Now that you completed your orthodontic treatment, you love your new smile, right? To keep your beautiful new smile looking that way, you have to hold yourself accountable for its care by committing to the following actions:
Dental examinations and cleanings –Continue to exercise proper oral hygiene procedures at home, including thorough brushing and flossing techniques, and make sure you visit your dentist for bi-yearly checkups and cleanings.
Retainers – Once you are done with the active portion of your treatment, you will be prescribed retainers to maintain your teeth in their optimum position long enough for the bone and soft tissues to stabilize. If you do not wear your retainers as prescribed, your teeth may revert to their original position, this movement can only be corrected with re-treatment.
A retainer is an appliance that is made just for the shape and size of your teeth and other supporting structures. They are typically made of a thermoplastic material that should be kept out of any excessively hot environment such as heaters, dishwashers, car dashboards, and any place where the temperature could reach 115 degrees (F) or more. You should clean your retainer before and after you put it in your mouth to keep plaque from building up. You can use a soft toothbrush to gently scrub and remove any plaque.
A retainer keeps your beautiful smile stable for a lifetime, but only if worn as prescribed!
Our goal is to help your smile stay beautiful and healthy for a lifetime. Your cooperation is essential to achieve this goal.
Here Are A Few Things To Remember During Retainer Wear
- Avoid folding your retainer into a napkin or placing it on the table at a restaurant, chances are that it will end up in the trash.
- Refrain from storing your retainer in your pocket, it is prone to being sat on and breaking.
- Remove your retainer when swimming, if it falls out of your mouth, it will be difficult to retrieve.
- Keep your retainer away from small children and animals.
- Even if your retainer is fixed, this does not mean that it will not detach or break if you do not care for it correctly.
- Remember to bring your retainers to your check-up appointment. If anything goes wrong with your retainers (i.e. it doesn’t fit, it’s broken, or it’s lost) please call us ASAP. If your lower bonded retainer wire comes out, keep it and bring it in at your next appointment for rebonding.
- The first set of retainers is included in your treatment fee. Any repair, replacement of your retainer, or rebonding of your lower retainer will generate an additional fee charged to your account.
- Maintain your oral healthby brushing your teeth without your retainers in. Do not boil your retainer or put it in hot water. Brush your retainer with a toothbrush using toothpaste or water.