Invisalign First

First hitting the market back in 2000, Invisalign’s clear plastic aligners have revolutionized how we address orthodontic issues. With Invisalign First, this fantastic treatment option can now be used to correct issues at a much earlier age, providing children under the age of 10 and their parents with a great alternative to traditional braces.

How Does Invisalign First Work?

Much like Invisalign treatments for adults, Invisalign First uses a series of clear aligners to apply constant pressure to the teeth. This pressure gradually moves the teeth into the right positions and expands the child’s jawline through a process known as dental arch expansion, preparing their mouth for their adult teeth.

Your child will be seen by an orthodontist before starting treatment and throughout as necessary. The initial consultation allows them to determine whether Invisalign First is a suitable treatment option and to take the digital scans necessary to create the custom aligners. Further appointments will allow the orthodontist to see how treatment is progressing and to make adjustments to the treatment plan if necessary.

The Benefits of Early Orthodontic Treatment

It is understandable for parents to wonder whether early orthodontic intervention is necessary, or to consider postponing it until their child is older. However, there are a number of benefits to early treatment that make it a good option for many.

When we are younger, our teeth and jaws are more malleable, meaning that treatment can potentially achieve greater results in less time. It also allows minor issues to be addressed early, before any additional complications can arise. This can be particularly relevant with younger children, as orthodontic treatment can prepare their jaw for when their adult teeth come in. Many times early treatment can prevent the need for more complicated treatment later on such as tooth extractions, and surgical impactions.

Why Choose Invisalign First Over Other Treatment Options?

Invisalign First is far from the only treatment option for children, with orthodontists also offering other, more traditional solutions. However, opting to use Invisalign’s clear plastic aligners does provide children and their parents some distinct benefits over the alternatives.

The clear aligners often feel more comfortable for children, in large part due to the absence of any metal edges, which are present in braces and can sometimes lead to irritation of the gums. Both you and your child may also feel more comfortable with the treatment process as a whole, as some can find the apparent ‘permanence’ of braces and similar orthodontic apparatus off-putting.

Being able to remove the aligners has other benefits too, which also make them easier to adjust to and make the treatment process more convenient for both parent and child. The fact that the aligners are removed when eating means that, unlike braces, they don’t come with any dietary restrictions. Such restrictions often prove an inconvenience for parents and are frequently disappointing for the child with braces.

As well as when eating, the aligners are also removed when brushing the teeth. This means that, assuming you have helped them develop good practices already, no major changes are required to your child’s dental hygiene routine and it’s still as easy as ever to ensure their teeth and gums stay clean and healthy.

A less obvious advantage but one which still has a huge impact is that treatment with Invisalign First requires significantly fewer appointments than if you were to opt for braces. As new aligners can be provided in advance and changed on a regular schedule as treatment progresses, there is no need for the orthodontist to make any manual adjustments, resulting in 40% fewer appointments overall.

Taking The Next Steps

If you think Invisalign First might be the right option for you and your child, the first step is to speak to an orthodontist with experience treating children. They’ll examine your child’s mouth to determine whether Invisalign aligners will be suitable for them and can provide you with any additional information you need before treatment commences.