We encourage you to take care of your appliances but even with the highest level of care, appliances can be damaged. We want to empower our patients to temporarily solve the problems that can occur with a broken or damaged appliance. These repairs are meant to last only until you can get seen at our office.
Loose band or bracket – In the case that one of your bands or brackets becomes detached from the tooth, call our office to schedule an appointment. If your broken band or bracket is still attached to a wire, let it stay there, just apply wax to ease any potential discomfort. If the band or bracket is completely detached, put it in an envelope or small bag and bring it to your appointment.
Broken archwire – In a case where your main archwire breaks, this is the wire that wraps around the outside of your braces, call us for an emergency appointment.
Loose wire – Attempt to move the wire back into the tube. Cover the loose wire with wax to ease any discomfort and call for a repair appointment.
Poking wire – Try to turn the wire down so that it no longer pokes you. You can do this using the blunt end of a toothbrush or any other object with a smooth surface. Apply wax to ease any discomfort and call us for a repair appointment.
Lost tie-wire or elastic tie – This is not a real emergency, just be sureto notify an assistant at your next appointment.
Soreness – During treatment, most patients experience some soreness. We recommend using salt-water rinses and taking Advil to help alleviate the soreness.
Headgear does not fit – This problem can be caused by not wearing your headgear as often as prescribed. However, if the facebow becomes bent or if the band that holds the headgear is loose, stop wearing the headgear and call for an appointment to sort it out.
Accidents involving teeth – Contact our office immediately, contact your general dentist, or head to the nearest emergency room.
Please remember :We recommend wearing a mouth guard over your braces while participating in any contact sports.